Activation of human resources in the Republic of Kazakhstan


  • M.O. Bekebaeva
  • G.P. Koptaeva
  • Zh.S. Kazanbaeva
  • Zh.K. Turebaeva
  • B.B. Orazova



human resources, efficiency, motivation, education, income


Object: To identify the features of human resource management in the organization of higher education for the development of methodological approaches in the system of human resource activation.

Methods: The research methodology includes methods of systemic and institutional analysis. To conduct the study, a set of data was used, including information about the population of Kazakhstan, the level of education and other variables related to human resources. Correlation and regression analysis were used to determine the relationship between higher education and human resources.

Findings: The study showed a positive relationship between higher education and indicators of human resources, such as income, professional employment, access to health care and education. These results confirm the hypothesis about the impact of higher education on the development of human resources in Kazakhstan. Additionally, the regression analysis revealed a statistically significant relationship between the level of education and income. More specifically, the impact of higher education on income growth turned out to be statistically significant, which underlines the importance of education in the growth of economic well-being.

Conclusions: Based on the conducted regression and SWOT analysis, it can be concluded that higher education has a positive impact on the human resources of Kazakhstan. A higher level of education contributes to an increase in the income of the population, an increase in professional employment and an improvement in the availability of social services. Therefore, for the development of human resources in Kazakhstan, it is necessary to continue and expand investments in education, encourage an increase in the level of education in the population and create conditions for the development of professional skills. This is the only way to ensure the sustainable and productive development of the country and its human resources.






innovations in management, marketing, finance, accounting, economics and public administration.