Issues and Prospects of Tourism Business Development in Kazakhstan


  • D.I. Syzdykova
  • N.V. Yuldasheva
  • G.К. Abdramanova
  • Zh.К. Kose
  • А.Т. Isaeva



tourism industry, business entities, entrepreneurial activity, development factors, diversification, sustainability, tour operator, infrastructure


Object: The main purpose of the article is to analyze the macroeconomic conditions affecting the sector of tourism entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan.

Methods: The statistical analysis of the activity of participants of the tourism services market was performed, important quantitative parameters that have the greatest impact on the dynamics of the tourism industry development were identified. The study emphasizes the role of economic, social, technological and infrastructural factors as determinants of growth and efficiency of the tourism sector.

Findings: This study confirms that there is a strong relationship between the development of tourism business and the volume of entertainment services in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which plays an important role in stimulating tourism demand and improving the quality of services for tourists. To substantiate this conclusion, the authors analyzed and forecasted the indicator “Volume of services in the field of entertainment” for the period from 2023 to 2025. A trend model was built, which allowed to identify the growth trends of this indicator in the future and determine further ways of development of tourism business in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Problems and prospects of tourism business development in Kazakhstan depend on a set of factors, including the state of infrastructure, quality of services, marketing strategies, as well as economic and political conditions in the country.

Conclusions. Limitations in the development of the tourism industry related to the lack of hotel facilities or insufficient level of service hinder the attraction of tourists and increase the flow of tourist visitors, so it is necessary to analyze the current state of the hotel business, infrastructure and services provided when developing strategies and making management decisions in tourism. As recommendations for the development of tourism business, it is necessary to apply modern technologies in the field of tourism, such as mobile applications, virtual tours and interactive platforms that help to make information about Kazakhstan's tourist attractions more accessible and attractive to potential visitors.






innovations in management, marketing, finance, accounting, economics and public administration.