Analysis of the mechanisms of regulation of the language policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan


  • А.К. Moldabayeva
  • A.B. Zeynelgabdin



language policy, Kazakh language, transition, Latin alphabet, language reform, motivation system


Object: Currently, Kazakhstan is passing the historical moment transformation of the Kazakh language into the Latin alphabet, which will allow the country to integrate into the global digital space, as well as to bring it closer to other Turkic-speaking countries. In this regard, the Government, the scientific community and the whole country face the difficult task of a successful transition, which determines the relevance of the chosen topic. The purpose of this study is to analyze the state mechanisms for regulating language policy and develop some recommendations for their improvement. The subject of the scientific work is an intermediate result of the language policy in the issue of the transition of the Kazakh language to the Latin script. 

Methods: Within the framework of scientific work, the following methods were used: methods of collecting material; methods of processing it; inductive method; method of comparative analysis; descriptive method; statistical method and method of content analysis.

Findings: The Government is actively working on the transition of the Kazakh language to the Latin script in all directions. According to the sociological research, there are also no significant obstacles on the part of the public, on the contrary, there is a positive trend in awareness of language reform and a positive attitude towards it.

Conclusions: As a result of the scientific research, the authors propose the following recommendations: to develop and adopt appropriate regulations on the rules of the Kazakh alphabet and spelling in Latin script; to form, train and prepare a personnel reserve of specialists; to develop and implement a system of motivation, encouragement and promotion of learning the state language in the Latin alphabet not only for citizens of Kazakhstan, but also for Kazakhs and our compatriots living outside Kazakhstan.






innovations in management, marketing, finance, accounting, economics and public administration.