Transport logistics as a driver of business development


  • B.S. Utegulova
  • G.V. Muratbekova
  • I.Z. Asilbekova
  • N.D. Adilova
  • D.K. Sarshanov



financing, business, World Bank of Kazakhstan, entrepreneurship, performance indicator, economic drivers, innovation economy, transport system, logistics


Object: The purpose of the study is to create an open and self-sufficient market economy, where one of the main drivers should be the development of business in the formation of transport logistics. The research methodology is based on presenting the role of business in the innovative development of logistics and analyzing the dynamics of the main indicators of its development.

Methods: General scientific, statistical, correlation, retrospective methods of analysis.

Findings: States are counting on business as a new driver of the economy. Currently, there are many factors hindering business development. One of the most difficult problems is that most logistics enterprises do not have sufficient financial resources to meet their own investment and contractual needs. At the same time, the tendency to copy the experience of developed countries in supporting business without adapting to local conditions continues. The author has proposed a number of areas, work in which can help improve the effectiveness of business support programs in Kazakhstan. Logistics special economic zones are primarily important for the state as the basis for generating cargo flows within the country, as well as for creating an integrated network of transport and logistics complexes.

Conclusions: In the context of the formation of economic growth, a model of interaction between stakeholders of a regional digital technology platform is proposed to enhance the innovative activities of businesses. The results can be used by government agencies, representatives of higher education, and the public to ensure the transition from a resource-based to an innovation-oriented economy.






innovations in management, marketing, finance, accounting, economics and public administration.