The impact of internal youth migration on the creation of gross added value and labor market indicator in the Republic of Kazakhstan


  • E.Zh. Syzdykova
  • A.N. Lambekova
  • D.K. Abilov
  • D.A. Sitenko
  • G.I. Abayeva



migration, youth migration, gross added value, labor market, labor market indicators


Object: identification of the impact of internal youth migration on gross added value and on the labor market indicator of the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Methods: the following paper uses statistical methods of analysis, including a correlation and regression method.

Findings:  exploring the features of migration processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the influence of the num-ber of migrants on the growth (decrease) of gross value added in the corresponding region of the country and the number of labor force was revealed. The authors put forward hypotheses about the presence and direction of the relationship between  the indicator  “Gross added value of the region”  and such factors as  “Number of arrivals”,  “Number of depar-tures”, as well as the impact of these indicators on the  “Number of labor force”  in the cities of Astana and Almaty as having positive migration balance. Correlation-regression analysis was carried out to prove or refute these hypotheses .

This analysis confirmed both hypotheses: youth migration negatively affects the formation of the gross added val-ue of the city of Astana and positively affects the formation of the gross added value of the city of Almaty. The strength

of influence differs depending on the age of migrants. The impact of youth migration on the labor force also differs de-pending on the age of the youth. In the city of Astana, a negative impact on the city's labor force occurs with the migra-tion of young people aged 14-18 and 19-23 years. Young people aged 24-28 have a positive impact. In the city of Al-maty, youth migration of all ages has a positive impact on the city's workforce. But at the same time, young people aged 19-23 who arrived have very little influence.

Conclusions: The policy of internal youth migration in the Republic of Kazakhstan must be carried out taking into account the characteristics of the regions and the ages of the migrating youth of the country




